A Tale of Sweet Tammy
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. These photos show Tammy’s incredibly sweet face, which is a true reflection of her nature. It also shows that someone in her past cruelly cut off part of her ears to make her look tough. It’s clear from the cuts that this was not done by a veterinarian, and almost certainly not done with any anesthetic. The weapon of choice was probably a pair of scissors. Can you imagine for just a moment the pain this dog must have suffered from these cuts…and the unmedicated healing afterward?
Unfortunately, we see ears cut like this all the time at CHS, especially with the bully breeds. In Tammy’s case, it is an exact opposite expression of who this dog is by nature. She is amazingly sweet and loving and completely trusts people. 6-year-old Tammy is a superstar staff favorite. She has been spayed, is current on her vaccines and is microchipped.
We understand the fear many people have of the bully breeds. The media has done a thorough job of demonizing the breed in general, but anyone who works with dogs as a job understands that it is always important to evaluate each individual dog for its behavior and never unfairly judged because of the breed stereotypes. There are so many of these dogs that are gentle and loyal companions.