2018 Calendar Photo Contest
Does your pet have what it takes to be a model?
The model search for the 2018 Cascades Humane Society calendar has begun! Freeland Photography will be scheduling photo sessions for Friday, February 24, Saturday, February 25 and Sunday, February 26 to capture the perfect photo of your pet(s)! Our annual calendar contest is a fundraiser requiring a donation to Cascades Humane Society of $10 per pet when you schedule your photo session.
Click here to schedule your photo session online!
Each photo session is an entry into the calendar contest. Immediately following the session, you will select your favorite picture of your pet(s) to be entered into the contest and you will have an opportunity to order prints of any of the photos taken during the session.
The voting period for the contest is Friday, March 3 to Monday, March 13. Each vote is a $1 donation to Cascades Humane Society. The 13 photos with the most votes at 12 p.m. (EST) on Tuesday, March 14 will be featured on a page of the 2017 calendar. The photo with the most votes will be featured on the cover of the calendar in addition to the month selected by the winner.
No pet? You can still participate!
You can sponsor a photo session for an adoptable CHS animal for $10 – let us know if you prefer to sponsor a cat or a dog… we will select an animal that has been at CHS looking for his or her forever home! A professional photograph is a great asset for the animals patiently waiting at CHS to find their forever humans!