Animal Frostbite Concerns Here in Michigan

Michigan is famous, perhaps infamous, for sudden changes in weather. We’ve all recently experienced the unusually cold temperatures, even in early November, which doesn’t bode well for the rest of this winter season. We’ve probably all heard someone say, “Hey, my dog has a fur coat on. He’ll be fine.” Or “That cat has lived outside its whole life. It’ll be OK.”
Maybe not. Dogs and cats have long been domesticated by humans, and are well-used to all the comforts of home…including a warm place to live in freezing, cold weather.
It’s an easy problem to prevent: if it’s too cold for you outside, then it’s too cold for your, or anyone else’s animals. With animals, even those with a long fur coat, it’s the extremities that become frostbitten first—ears, tails, and paws. Every animal, pet or feral, should have shelter, and, if possible, food and water as protection against the harsh elements of a Michigan winter.
Just imagine for a moment if it were your beloved pet out in the freezing cold, with no possible way to get warm, suffering through the truly awful pain of frostbite.
There are no readily available statistics on how many dogs and cats suffer frostbite or die a miserable, painful death each winter here in Michigan because they are not provided with adequate shelter against the freezing temperatures so common here in Michigan’s winter season…but it is more than just a few.
Cascades Humane Society and Personal Touch Grooming are committed to doing our best to help animals survive and thrive through this upcoming, harsh winter season.

Over the years, from time-to-time, we’ve taken in animals suffering from frostbite. Pictured here with this article is a photo of sweet Lily with frostbitten ears, who came to CHS at age 2. She was a wonderful, loving cat that quickly found a great home.
Warm Paws in Winter
Cascades Humane Society has again teamed up with Raven Watson of Personal Touch Grooming in Jackson, MI., to help both pets and free-roaming animals stay warm this winter. If you have outdoor cats or dogs and need straw to help keep them warm, then come to Personal Touch on the first Saturday of the month (or by appointment) to pick up straw from 10am-to-1pm. The “Warm Paws” program has started and will continue through March 7th of 2020.
Personal Touch pet grooming is located at 3980 Ann Arbor Road in Jackson, MI. You can contact owner Raven Watson by phone at: 517.764.5105 (Personal Touch Grooming).
Here at CHS we often have a handful of outdoor cat and dog houses that we can distribute to those in need. When available, they can be picked up during our regular open hours: Tuesday through Saturday, noon-to-6pm at Cascades Humane Society, 1515 Carmen Drive, Jackson, MI 49202. Carmen Drive is just off of Elm Road very close to the I-94 interchange in Jackson. Please give us a call first to make sure we still do have some houses available: (517)787-7387. Most likely you will have to leave a voicemail. We’ll call you back as soon as we can.
If you have an outdoor cat or dog house that you aren’t using, and would like to donate to your neighbors and support Warm Paws in Winter, please bring them to CHS during our open hours: Tuesday – Saturday from noon-to-6pm. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.