17 Poisonous Plants for Pets

Lilies Members of the Lilium spp. are considered to be highly toxic to cats. While the poisonous component has not yet been identified, it is clear that with even ingestions of very small amounts of the plant, severe kidney damage could result. Marijuana Ingestion of Cannabis sativa by companion animals can result in depression of

2015 Unleash Your Heart Gala

Join us for a spectacular night of great food, dancing, mingling and celebrating Cascades Humane Society! Saturday, October 17, 2015 6pm – 10pm Jackson Symphony Orchestra 215 W. Michigan Avenue, Jackson MI $75 per person All proceeds benefit Cascades Humane Society Early bird special – if you purchase your ticket before September 30, 2015, you

Lost & Found

Losing your dog or cat can be a very traumatic experience. Microchipping is a good first step to finding your pet in the event that should ever happen. Microchips are relatively inexpensive and can help you find your cat or dog sooner! All veterinarians, shelters, and humane societies have the ability to scan found animals

Beat the Heat!

As the weather gets warmer, and you start to get over-heated, keep in mind so does your pet! When overheated, heatstroke can occur and lead to brain damage or death. A good rule of thumb is, if you’re uncomfortable, your pet is uncomfortable. So what can you do? Here are some summer pet safety tips

Celebrating National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month

It only makes sense that June is adopt-a-cat month since June is also “kitten season.” This time of the year is when females are giving birth to the most adorable kittens left and right…and CHS has been bombarded with these kittens who need good homes. Not only do all our cute kittens need homes, but we have some

‘Frito Feet’

What do you mean, you’ve never smelled your dog’s feet?! Go do it now, we’ll wait… Smells like corn chips, right? (or tortillas, or popcorn, or some other corn-based salty treat). Besides puppy breath, it’s one of the better smells our dogs naturally produce. Although, once you find out why paws smell so delicious, you