CHS Receives Outstanding Performance Award

Sue Chambers, Director of Operations, and Carmela Lazarus, Marketing and Volunteer Coordinator of Cascades Humane Society were present at the Michigan Pet Fund Alliance “No Kill” Conference, on Thursday, September 5 to receive an award for outstanding performance. “This award, for Outstanding Limited Admission Shelter with the greatest number of adoptions, is a huge honor,”

Never Without a Dog to Love

On Saturday, August 2nd we had to let our beautiful lab/chow mix, Kady, leave this earth in peace to go join her sisters, Keeba and Kelsey. Vern and I were just heartbroken. She was extra special to us because she was our first dog together and was my 1st experience raising a puppy. She came

Why Spay/Neuter Your Pet

The decision to spay or neuter your pet is an important one for pet owners. But it can be the single best decision you make for his long-term welfare. What does it mean • “Spaying” is the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus. • “Neutering” is the surgical removal of the testicles. • Fixing,

Record Adoptions

The adoption of eighteen puppies, six cats and four adult dogs in one day set a new record for CHS. April 12 is a day we won’t soon forget. The day began with a “puppy shower” in which the community came out to help find homes for 18 abandoned puppies and donated over $2,000 worth